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Series KCBGLX - Sizes to 1" (25.40 mm), Pressures to 43000 psi (2965 bar)
Series KCBGL - Sizes to 1/4" (6.35 mm), 5/16" (7.94 mm), 3/8" (9.53 mm), Pressures to 150000 psi (10342 bar)

For extreme conditions of vibration and/or shock in tubing systems, such as locating a valve or fitting on an unsupported line near a compressor, Autoclave coned and- threaded connections are offered with the Anti- Vibration Collet Gland Assemblies. A less complex and more economical design than other vibration-
Unit of Measure



Complete assembly

Outside Diameter Tubing Size

6.35 mm1/4 in

A - Height

1.38 in34.92 mm

B - Height

1.88 in47.62 mm


0.75 in19.05 mm